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Preparation for the driving test 


The gaimen kirikae driving test does not assess your driving skills, but assesses if you can follow many Japanese-specific traffic rules while driving through the course.

So even if you can drive through the course without any issues, you will not likely pass the exam. 


And Taking the driving test without any preparation will most likely give you no luck. 

How to be prepared for the driving test

So how should you be prepared for the "Gaimen-Kirikae" driving test?

In order to pass the driving test, you need both high level of knowledge and driving skills.

  • Knowledge

    • Specific and even bizarre traffic rules only applied to "gaimen-kirikae" driving test.

    • Marking criteria (how you are not supposed to drive)

    • Course Route and how exactly you should drive through the predetermined route

  • Driving skills

    • Driving skills necessary to pass the exam include​

      • Not turn wide when turning left ​

      • Drive though narrow roads 

      • Feel for the front and left of your car. 

How to get them?

How to obtain


Use our online materials to learn everything you need to know about "Gaimen-Kirikae" specific rules and marking criteria😆

How to obtain

Driving Skills

Find the driving school in your local area

where you can actually take "Gaimen Kirikae" specific training. 

More importantly find the school where you can practice at the driver's licence center with their qualified instructor👨‍🏫.

Driving School where you can take "Gaimen Kirikae" training

Did you know that you can actually borrow a course of a driver's licence center where you will use for the gaimen-kirikae driving test in most prefectures?

Why not you use this opportunity? 

You are actually able to practice driving in the exact same situation as the driving test‼️ 

Find the driving school in your local area where you can actually take lessons at the driving center if possible. 

If you are unsure about that, ask them or contact us😀

  • 北海道西自動車学園(Hokkaido-nishi Jidousha Gakuen)(HP)
    •   Lesson in English: ?? | Practice at driver's licence center: Yes | Fees: 10,000 yen / hour
  • 札真自動車学園 (Sasshin Jidousha Gakuen) (HP)
    •  Lesson in English: No | Practice at driver's licence center: ?? | Fees: ?? yen
  • 苗穂自動車学校 (Naebo Jidousha Gakko) (HP)
    •  Lesson in English: No | Practice at driver's licence center: ?? | Fees: 10,000 yen / hour
  • 花咲自動車学校 (Hanasaki Jidousha Gakko) (HP)
    •  Lesson in English: ?? | Practice at driver's licence center: ?? | Fees: 10,000 yen / 2 hours
  • 新宿自動車学校 (Shinjuku Jidousha Gakko)(HP)
    • Lesson in English: ?? | Practice at driver's licence center: No | Fees: 7,000 yen / hour
  • 荻窪自動車学校 (Ogikubo Jidousha Gakko)(HP)
    • Lesson in English: ?? | Practice at driver's licence center: No | Fees: 12,000 yen / hour
  • FCA自動車学校 (FCA Jidousha Gakko)(HP) ⭐️
    • Lesson in English: Yes | Practice at driver's licence center: Yes | Fees: 8,600 yen / hour
    • Accompanying Service: 17,500 yen 
  • サカイ ドライビングスクール  (Sakai Driving School)(HP)
    • Lesson in English: No | Practice at driver's licence center: No | Fees: 10,300 yen / hour
  • わかば自動車学校 (Wakaba Jidousha Gakko)(HP)
    • Lesson in English: No| Practice at driver's licence center: No | Fees: 9,400 yen / hour
  • KM自動車教習所 (KM Jidousha Kyoshujo)(HP)
    • Lesson in English: No | Practice at driver's licence center: ?? | Fees: 5,500 yen / hour
  • 二俣川自動車学校 (Futamatagawa Jidousha Gakko)(HP)
    • Lesson in English: ?? | Practice at driver's licence center: Yes | Fees: 5,400 yen / hour
  • 土田自動車教習所  (Noguchi Jidousha Kyoshujo)(HP)
    • Lesson in English: No | Practice at driver's licence center: ?? | Fees: 5,700 yen / hour
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